Jeoffery’s 25 years’ cheffing experience while sailing the Mediterranean Sea and more recently as head chef for Maria Pia’s, and MariLuca has inspired the classic dishes Saltimbocca a’la Romana which are the foundation of Mari Luca while introducing new Italian dining experiences Pappardelle con Anatra “Braised duck pasta” for those a little more adventurous.
“Cu avi chiu' sali conza a minestra”
The ones with more salt should season the food
“In vino veritas”
In wine lays the truth
“Ca mancia fa' muddichi”
Who eats leaves bread crumbs behind
“Carni fa' carni, pani fa' panza, vino fa' danza”
Meat makes meat, bread makes a belly, wine makes dance
“Canta chi ti passa”
Sing and your troubles will fade away